Monday, May 12, 2008


evergreen terrace in Unsheltered Workshops

Installing the show at VCA Gallery
Painting by Christopher L.G. Hill, Evergreen Terrace, Nick Selenitsch, Alex Vivian, Saskia Schut
Colour Choice By Sean Peoples and his Y11 Art Class Berwick Secondary College with Evergreen Terrace

Exhibition opening: Tuesday May 13 from 6:00PM

at VCA Margaret Lawrence Gallery, 40 Dodds St, Southbank


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The five coloured dots represent the colours that were chosen as a group by the class. It was a process of discussion of possibilities and particular colors as we has a huge range of swatches in front of us. The decision seemed mainly decorative in the end and these will be the base colours Christopher L.G. Hill, Alex Vivian and Nick Selenitsch will use in the wall painting.


This was made with clay, paint, plastercine and tubular plastic braiding strips. It is the kind of thing that looks like a blob from a distance and then really interesting shapes and unions show themselves as you look closer and explore the landscape of the work. We begun by giving a theme of themeless-ness, this was a difficult thing to establish in the class,we wanted to keep it as an experiment in form and colour and how to solve the problem of making something together like that. Everyone began working on their own, then in four small groups and then as one large group. 

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Fringe Lily & the Amber Bottle

A man took a stroll from his hilly retreat down the winding track. Darkness approached without hesitance but the man was not frightened, but more intrigued. After he arrived at the bottom of the winding track, he spots a sign up ahead which reads: Lawson’s Falls. He decided to explore it out of curiosity. The track immediately descended into dense vegetation on all sides. Looking further down the track there was the illusion of walking into a very large burrow and it seemed more believable as the forest scene lost light. Shifting his gaze down, he noticed how dull and blurred the ground appeared, where it usually bore the colour of desert sand in the midday sun. The hill was hard on his knees which were soon aching. As he realized the extent of pain felt walking down this hill, he noticed a small red berry hanging from a branch across the track. This berry usually attracted his gaze in the daytime. Now it was dull and lifeless and hardly noticeable at all had he not nearly walked into it. Plucking a berry from the branch, he strolled along and soon came to the bottom of the descent. Here there was a short bridge crossing over a small creek and the man preceded with a sense of excitement. Crossing the other side the vegetation changed immediately from small shrubs and trees to tall, green tree ferns and rusty decaying leaf litter. The track climbed up further. It was now the twilight zone, the animals and birds exhausted from their day are now resting and the whole area becomes rather silent for a few minutes. The vibrant colour that radiated from ferns, trees, fruit and the sky are diminished now. And with their colour extinguished they begin to grow silent and still, almost afraid to show a sign a life. Are the ferns too tired to rustle their fronds or are they weary not to disturb the sleeping inhabitants of the forest?

As the man walks further he can begin to hear the flowing creek he’d passed earlier. It is getting louder as he ascends the track. Then he notices a track veering to the left. Turning onto this track, which again descends steeply, the man stops to gaze out of the canopy at the sky. It is now the only trace of colour left in his surroundings. He studies the sky and then shifts his gaze back down to the dense, dark shrubs all around which are threatening to trap him in for the night if he does not head back soon. The track ends with several steps which drop steeply into an open area with a running waterfall. The man decides to stay a few minutes to listen to the waterfall while he consumes an alcoholic beverage. As he is about to take his last swig from the bottle he instead peers inside it and he is amazed at the amber colour beaming from inside. He swivels the liquid from side to side inside the near empty bottle and tries to make out his surroundings through amber. He is actually sitting inside the amber bottle looking out and trying to make sense of a world where everything is only one colour: amber. After some time studying the distorted amber world, he imagines himself falling out of the bottleneck and back into his real self standing at the base of the waterfall. The sky is nearly dark. The area is now almost black and becoming quite scared now, he heads back.

Nearing the top of the hill where his campsite is, the man can see the mass of black trees he’d been walking through along the track to the waterfall. Then he imagines a warm blazing campfire and thinks of how its vibrant reds, yellows and oranges will create light. It might be the only light, the only visible colour for miles. However, as this very thought comes to mind, an ambush of blinding colour makes him stop dead. A flower is attacking his senses, shooting a flash of fluorescent purple deep into his eyes. What on earth? A glowing purple flower appearing spontaneously from darkness? He bends down to peer straight into it. A colour more rich and vibrant than he can ever remember is obscuring his eyeballs. He marvels some more and thinks of how its petals look like purple coffee beans.

The next morning he wakes up and immediately thinks to look at the flower again. This time he is somewhat let down when the flower doesn’t greet his eyes like it did last night. Its uniqueness seems lost. Overall, it looks fairly dull in comparison to anything else. Despite this, the encounter with that purple flower still remains in his memory.

THE END Copyright © Corey Macleod 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Colour in Fashion

Colour has a very big impact on fashion and the latest trends. Most people chose their clothes based on the colour of the garment. If the colour does not appeal the buyer they will not purchase it.

The colour of clothes change all the time mainly because of the seasons. E.g. colours for clothes in summer are bright and colourful to match with the bright hot sun but in winter clothes become a lot duller but still come in a range of patterns and shades.

Colour in fashion is also impacted by your feelings and moods. If you feel happy you wear bright and colourful clothes, but if you feel sad you wear dull clothes because your mood changes just like the seasons.

As fashion changes so do our likes and dislikes, but colour is one thing that we always look at before buying clothes.

Mel Lawson and Amanda Swinburne


It was four in the afternoon. I was feeling blue. I was sitting on my pale green rocking chair outside the front of my brown stone house. The sky was turning to a dark grey colour. The street was deserted. The houses along the street were lit up like the bright yellow sun. Small droplets of water were hitting the sticky black asphalt. Dark purple thunderous clouds were settling in, preparing for the inevitable light show.
The droplets of rain grew heavier and heavier. I could feel the cool breeze blowing towards me. The temperature was dropping and my cheeks were turning bright red. I couldn’t believe my eyes, bright yellow sparks of lightning struck across the dark grey sky. I looked over to the road. There was a little brown dog, wondering towards me. I ran down my front porch steps and onto the luscious green nature- strip grass.
I approached the dog with caution and stepped onto the wet black road. The dog looked at me with its sad dark brown eyes. I smiled. I kneeled down and held out my hand to the dog. Its wet black nose touched the knuckles of my hand. Its light pink tongue started licking me. I felt warm inside. I felt bright and yellow. I felt happy.

-Cassie (Twiggy)

Colour is life

Colours can make us feel happy, lonely, passionate and calm. Imagine a world without colour, we would be limited to shades. Perhaps without colour we would have named te shades green, blue, pink, ect. Or pehaps we are missing out.. maybe there are thousands more colours than the human eye can detect or even imagine. They say a new colour is created every second, I thinks that is amazing. I am very affected by colour, for example aqua makes me feel calm, Red makes me bolder and always always yellow makes me happy. Orange makes me think but it also makes me hungry, greens and browns make me more concious of my surroundings becasue they are associated with the earth and enviroment. But of course these are only main stream colours, each different pigment, shade or variation of each colour is attached to an emotion. I couldn't live without colour, it's how I express my self best.. colour is life.

Rebecca Sanders.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The sweet and sour of yellow,
The warming of red,
The freezing of blue,
The aroma of fresh green,
The ripeness of purple,
The brightness of orange,
The shining of bronze, silver and gold,
The softness of cream,
The darkness of black.
The colour represents the theme,
by the light reflecting on the world.

There were teddy bears and butterflies, and unicorns prancing about in lush green meadows of happiness and joy and fantasticness. Rocket ships of doom with red blood all over them came and ripped the guts out of the unicorns, it was all pink and gooey like chocolate. The king of pimp and lush green meadow landville came to investigate the sticky situation. Green laser beams shot from his death eyes and annihilated the little gloomy children across the street. They turned into black dust and blew away like dandelions in the wind. The teddy bears and butterflies grouped together and put on their sexy purple uniforms, so that they could defeat the pimp king. Little did they know however, that the king of pimp had yellow missiles of doom and destruction. He blew the army of teddy bears and butterflies up, he LOLed at their misfortune.

Open your eyes.
Shut out your judgements for just a few minutes.
Don’t worry; this won’t take long.
You can become your cold hard self again soon.
But for now;
This is calling for your undivided attention.
Your total concentration is roped around these words.

Now imagine.

The rapid pulse of an excited puppy is radiating through you.
Pumping through every crevice, every vain.
You are running.
Heartbeat after heartbeat.
It is dark.
Too much dark.
Along with the unsteadiness of your rapid beating heart
Your mind only wants to see in patches.
You’re still running.
You’re searching.
What can you see?
Look harder.
Dig deeper.
Still darkness.
You aren’t trying hard enough.
You are running.
But your eyes are set on overdrive due to the seemingly
Infinite blackness.
Eyes. Set.
Overdrive and ignore.
Eyes. Set.
Fucking eyes.
Look closer.
You are running. Searching.
What do you see?
Trees. Dirt. Mist.
It’s cold in this forest.
Still running.
Still searching.
Still dark.
The wind kisses the back of your neck with a chilled tongue.
Still running.
Still searching.
Still cold.
This wind enjoys your company.
You can feel it slipping down the back of your spine.
Still running.
Rapid heartbeat.
Refreshing beads of sweat rolling down your skin.
Still running.
Scenery is the same.
Trees. Mist. Dirt.
Look left.
Still running.
Look right.
Scenery is still just.
Mist. Dirt. Trees.

Everything the same.
Still running.
The heart, it’s still going.
Still working like a dog.
Stop running.
Just stand.
Catch your breath.
We have a change of scenery.

Now don’t picture anything. Just shut your fucking eyes and go to sleep.

By Charly Thorn..

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Hunt

Purple swollen feet running,Escape down hallow streets.
Run for your life.
Filthy rain crashes all around,Black fear hangs in the air.
Don’t let him catch you.
Orange day fades,Navy nothing consumes.
Don’t let him see you.
Burgundy dog barks,Shattering lonely silence.
He hears you now.
Charcoal giant advances,Cruel hands grabbing.
He has you now.
Green glass shatters and cuts,tearing flesh and breaking bone.
He will end you now.
Scarlet life runs from your neck,A cold embrace is all that’s left.
You’re only part of the hunt.

- Emma Cullinan
Grass is green so are Martians and pears and weed.
The sun is yellow so is homer Simpson and bananas and yellow snow.
The sky is blue so is the ocean and my t shirt and blueberries.
My insides are pink and so are pigs and a love heart.
Poo is brown so is mud.
Blood is red so are strawberries and lipstick and the inside of a watermelon.
Oranges are orange so are carrots and a kegger orange juice.
Gorillas are black so are wheels and tar and burnt toast.
Paper is white so are clouds and snow and sugar.
Gold is gold so are first place medals and 2 dollar coins.
Knifes are silver so are second place medals and poo change.
Peaches are peach.
I am tan so are bikini models.
Crayons can be burnt sienna.
Chocolate is chocolate mmmm yummy.

By Ashby

The colours reflected in the ocean have heightened the oranges and blues in this picture, almost neon looking.
The fish are naturally shades of orange, white, yellow, black and blue.
This is in a dark ocean which helps set the blues, and make them stand out more above the other colours.
I think this picture is really calming, and shows the real natural beauty joined with the ocean and the light, it’s also been taking very well as most of these colours become washed out or different tones in the process of photography but these colours seem very natural and un-effected.
I have used this picture because there is so many different varies of colour in the ocean and this picture really proves it. Every orange and blue used in this picture changes from every angle of the picture and due to the amount of sunlight getting in.
This photo has not many details to it, it’s just the beautiful colours of the marine and corals and the versatility within the underwater life, more then just blues. But oranges and yellows and the most unique colours and shades of the sea.
You really notice by looking at this picture how much nature and colour is a part of our emotional state.

By Bec Sedgwick.

As I sit on the slight hill in the open high country of Australia, the sun starts to set, the amazing shades of purple, orange, blues and other fulfilling colours. You sit and wonder why these colours are so bright and why it is these colours that have been reflected to make such a beautiful sight. The silhouette of the beautiful rolling hills that are covered in beautiful and luscious gums, that have so many slight different shades of green and the odd rotted out dead or dying tree. The sights of the colours of the day are all coming to life in the sky for everyone and everything to see. As you come back to life from gazing at such a beautiful scene you hear the cockatoos returning home to there huge single tree in the maze of dead and alive gums, the noise of the animals that live in the dead silent paddocks that are surrounding you catches your ear, the noises of the earth coming to life as they wait for there food or call there babies to come home and be home safe, from the total darkness of the night that is laying ahead, the pure darkness only just around the corner, how beautiful nature is at the end of the day.

By Dayle Gee.


People associate different colours with certain moods and feelings. Colour is used to express things like what someone is thinking. A colour can brighten something up or make it dull. Cool colours are considered calm, sad or relaxing colours. These colours are blue, purple and green. Warm colours are happy and energetic colours. These include yellow, orange and red. White is thought to be calm and pure, and black is angry and gloomy. However, different people can see other things in the colours. A certain colour may remind them of something. For example, black, even though it is a dark colour, can represent something happy because it is linked with a good memory.

Colours are also linked with objects and events. Brown and green may represent nature, yellow and orange could represent the sun, white can represent the moon and stars, and bright colours could represent celebrations.

By Lauren H

The Greeny-Blue Jewel

One day, I was looking in a souvenir shop, when this necklace caught my attention.
As I drew nearer to have a closer look, I realized it was the colour of
it that created its beauty, a greeny-blue, different shades,
a metallic colour with shades of light purple mixed within the rich colour.
Its shining colour in the light, colour of the ocean. I had to buy it, it was my favourite colour. Cool, relaxed colour, glimmering in the sun. I never get sick
of looking at it, every glimpse I take, reveals a different glimmering colour.
And that’s the story of how I came to own such a beautifully presented jewel.
I have had so many compliments on how nice it is, all thanks to
the wonderful natural colour of the stones.

By Sandra.S

VIA the machine ; Let your colour be true [and tone shall shine through]

Im losing my head.
My head feels like a hole.

A bizarre turn of events have occurred in my life when I was offered your feelings.
The signs of a new present are shown in vibrant and flavored colours.

They make me believe I'm getting high off of this song. They make me believe I can see music as it is played.
They make me believe I can taste the sun as it rises. They believe I could swallow the emotions that Mother Nature flows upon us.
I believe in a higher power [A Strength larger and more beautiful than yours.]
The razor-sharp look you glanced at me. It made me believe I lost a war I did not enrol in.

My body is a monastery and it confines my bare soul.
My fears sew my eyes to the back of my head so I cannot see the two sides of the story.
My sea of sorrow will not come tomorrow.
I lay down. I will wait.
The weight is torn down..
My walls of thought [soo strong, too high] will lose balance and fall down.
Maybe crush someone.. or two..
The needle tore open a hole today but the dirt covered my innocence and the lines across my face.

How far did I come today?
Please explain how my Marc was shot at and still survived?
May I lay on a bed of sharp rocks or become lifeless like a stone?

A graceful, romantic Butterfly starts its life as a caterpillar. Then it is given time to purify its soul in a dark, safe place. Given time of evolution has passed and I wonder the strange question ; what was that little fella's last thought before he transformed?

Would you come out today for the storm?
I believe that you would be enticed to scream into the sky [are you, sweetheart?]
I reckon you would dwell in Mother Nature's tears [would you, priceless?]
If I Would Could You?
na NAH na-na
nah Na
You hum my rhythem but you can't change me.
No, ya can't change me.
[She can't]
I fluently but gracefully will shed my bark and join the pack.
- Sir O'Conner


C O L O U R !!

Colour is everywhere we look and in everything we do. Colour can brighten up anyone’s day!

Colour can be expressed in many peoples personalities, and in the way they present there feelings. Many colors represent feelings like; the Colour yellow means happiness, because it is a bright color; the reason I think yellow means happiness is because it is a bright Colour and bright colours make me happy. The Colour blue, means calm, because it is a very calm and relaxing Colour, the reason I think blue is a calm and relaxing Colour is because it reminds me of the ocean, because I like the beach and it always makes me feel calm and relaxed when I’m there.

Colour represents many other things in this world like, nature, FREEDOM, food, psychadelica, feelings, personalities, countries flags and many other things.

There are many different types of colours like, warm colours and cold colours, and when we mix two different colours, we will experience a different color, like when we mix blue and yellow it will equal green.

The basic colours are; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These colours are also the colors of the rainbow.

Warm colours are; Red, Orange, and yellow; and cool colours are; blue, green and purple.


The girl stood on the beach, the yellow sand, sweeping across her pale pink feet, as she stared out towards the horizon. The calm blue ocean waves crashed repeatedly onto the shore, the clear water soaking her toes ever so softly. Her piercing blue eyes sparkled as she looked at the sight that she loved so much. She stood for hours, but to her it seemed like no time at all. The bright golden sun rose above the horizon, shining on her, illuminating her. She noticed the changes in the waves, in the sky, but not in her surroundings. People came and went, barely
noticing her, as she stared out to sea. All they saw was the grainy yellow sand, crystal blue and green water, and a girl, in a bright purple bather top, and faded denim shorts. But she saw much more. Every now and then a gleaming silver shape, a dolphin would jump above the water line. A large boat was looming larger and larger as the grey and red beast came towards the shore.
She loved the ocean, she belonged there.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

As I sit on the grass, I look at the view that is placed in front of me.
From the bright yellows to the deep oranges of the sun setting and the shades of greens that rest within the grass; making the atmosphere calm and settled. Looking over the reefs I can see coloured corals and marine life resulting in meaningful thoughts. I lie down, close my eyes and gaze into the bright blue sky. Thoughts run through my head.
Images of the last moment spent with him, holding him in my arms. I could almost feel his warmth against me. Then as the sun set to rest, I scattered his remains for it was one wish he told us that he was very passionate about when it was his time.
I opened my eyes and slowly drift back into reality. Every emotion represented by a colour. Yellow; happiness - Orange; distress - Red; anger - Purple; relaxation - Dark blue; restlessness - Light blue; admiration - Green; envy, all of which are only few.
I wake to a dark night sky. The stars twinkling, the moon shining and the deep sea sparkling.
It was a realisation to how much impact colour has on life, love, hate and even death.
The world itself would not be the same without the millions of colour we cross paths with on a regular day to day basis.

By Danii Piggin

I was walking home from school down my street. The sky was grey. It had been raining today and the road was wet black. The green trees were dripping and my purple umbrella was tucked under my arm making my blue school jumper wet. I walked past the yellow house on the corner with the blue door and I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around but all that was there was the grey footpath. I turned and kept walking thinking it was just my imagination. I stepped on a brown leaf and it crunched under my black shoe. I stopped suddenly. Somebody was following me. I turned again. There was a man standing there with ghost white pale skin and wearing a green jumper. I ran. I ran so fast that I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. My red school bag was bouncing against my back slowing me down and it was so hard to run in my black school shoes. When I got down to the end of my street I turned left. I knew he was still running after me because I could hear his footsteps and I knew that he was catching up because they were getting louder. His hands were creeping up behind me, shaking because he’s running at me, and he grabbed me by the neck and pulled me to the ground. I fell on the grey concrete footpath and scraped my elbow. I got red blood on his green jumper. I screamed out for help but he reached for my mouth to muffle my voice. I hit him with my purple umbrella on his head as hard as I could but he grabbed it and when he had me tightly pinned to the ground a white van pulled up on the road. I was wriggling and squirming trying to escape but the man was just too strong. We were face to face. His eyes were green. The greenest eyes I have ever seen. He was scarier up close than he looked from far away. A man got out of the van and headed towards us and I tried to kick Green Eyes. I got him in the shin. He yelled out in pain. The other man stood over me. He had brown eyes. Green Eyes hadn’t let go of me but he was still standing over me. Both of the men grabbed me and dragged me on my feet to the white van and threw me in the back. The last thing I saw before they shut the grey doors was a lady peeking out of her pink curtains.

By Kate Fergeus
Blue and pink. Insides, and to sink. Colours that run so deep yet can illuminate from sleep. Shades of blue are apathetic and shades of pink are bright. Shades of everything in between can really be quite light. Sometimes they’re vibrant and sometimes they’re dull, sometimes colours resemble a skull. Bleak and dissolved, pale and resolved. Anything you want you can have. Whatever Bobby wants, Bobby gets. Whenever Bobby doesn’t get, he frets. He’s surrounded by colour, wherever he goes. It’s all he sees, it’s all he knows. The magnificent spectrum, that makes bobby’s world, is majestic and profound, and grotesque is unheard. Bobby is in awe, of the world in which he lives, the radiance, the beauty, he is still yet to give. Bobby will never quite grasp the answers that he needs, but until then he can observe, and try not to envy. Blue and pink really makes you think.

By Rhys Franks

Monday, April 14, 2008


jumbled senses





It was interesting to hear the class talk about objects and images they has bought in, responding to colour.